Archive / December, 2015

Sleep, Baby Sleep

This is a traditional lullaby that is easy to sing.

Here are the lyrics:

Sleep, baby sleep,

thy father tends the sheep.

Mother shakes the dreamland tree,

and down fall pleasant dreams for thee.

Sleep, baby sleep.

San Severino

San Severino is a traditional action song sung in Spanish about the various jobs and careers people have. The two jobs I included in the video are “la tortillera”, the person who makes “tortillas”, and “la lavendera”, the person who washes clothes. The reason I included these is because they are traditional verses that go with the song and because they are traditional jobs one might have latin america.

You could really add any careers or jobs to the list. When one of my Kindergarten classes sang this, I had them each tell me what jobs they wanted to do when they grew up and we included those verses in a performance at their Kindergarten Graduation.

Here are a few that we came up with:

“el policĂ­a” the police officer

“el bombero” the fireman

“el cocinero” the chef

“la bailarina” the ballerina/dancer

“el doctor” or “el medico” the doctor

“el artista” the artist

“la maestra” the teacher

“el dentista” the dentist

We had fun making up the verses and accompanying movements together.

Choose a few verses that resonate with you and try this song with your class or your own kids and let me know how it went in the comments section.

Bing Blang!

Here’s another action song that’s great for the little ones. It’s fun, short, and easy to learn.

Here are the lyrics:

Bling blang, hammer with my hammer,

Zingo zango, cutting with my saw.

My Little Puppy

Kids really love this one! It’s a simple action song about a little puppy named Rags.

Here are the lyrics:

My little puppy’s name is Rags.

He eats so much that his tummy sags.

His ears flip-flop and his tail wig-wags,

and when he walks, he zigs and zags!

Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig zag!

Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig zag!


My little puppy’s name is Rags.

He eats so much that his tummy sags.

He doesn’t have any pedigree,

but I love him and he loves me!

Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig zag!

Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig zag!